
Text Messaging and Opt-in Policy

How do we advise our customers regarding SMS

Our clients share our desire for respectful and clear communications with applicants and customers.

We require our clients to operate under strict opt-in terms. While each customer can implement different policies, we typically advise the following practices:

  • Number of messages can vary by account, with disclosure of average or expected number of messages.
  • Require applicants to attest their ownership rights or permission to use the number prior yo use.
  • Require clients to include comprehensive Terms of Use and Privacy disclosures.
  • Remind applicants that message and data rates may apply.
  • Remind applicants about the HELP and STOP industry practices in SMS.
  • Follow industry-standard unsubscription and opt-out procedures including clear instructions.
  • Provide convenient ways to ask for help, including contact information for their customer care organizaton.
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